Category: P & P

Policy unpacked #6 – Talking mayors at #pp2014

Earlier this week Bristol hosted the Policy & Politics Conference 2014. The conference theme was the challenges of leadership and collaboration in the 21st century. The conference examined governance structures at different spatial scales, but there was much talk about urban governance. Play in new window | […]

Learning implementation lessons

Chris Dillow draws our attention to the issue of policy implementation. He rightly argues that implementation is vitally important, but does not play well in the media. Unless, that is, something goes spectacularly wrong. The media tends to be more interested in the political “soap opera” or in […]

Analysing policy change: institutions and ideas

[Originally posted on The Policy Press Blog, 23/12/10] The analysis of continuity and change is a preoccupation for scholars of the policy process. While a range of frameworks have been proposed, it would be fair to say that institutionalist approaches are currently flavour of the month. A long-standing […]

Making it personal

[Originally posted on The Policy Press Blog, 04/11/10] Personalisation is squarely at the heart of current policy debate around adult social care. For the last 10 years the British government has been experimenting with moving away from assisting users through providing services drawn from a relatively short menu […]

The practicalities of participation and deliberation

[Originally published on The Policy Press blog, 08/10/10] History may come to define the current UK coalition Government as the government that ushered in the end of the welfare state as we know it. The government that forced through a fundamental reconfiguration of the relationship between the citizen […]