Category: Guardian Housing Network

Who’s who in the private rented sector?

[Originally posted at the Guardian Housing Network, 25/01/13] The most striking change in the British housing market over the last decade is the growth of private renting. Last week, Mark Prisk, the housing minister, indicated in the Spectator that further growth is desirable. He wants to make the […]

Financing the supply of new housing

[Originally posted at the Guardian Housing Network, 23/05/12] We all agree that Britain needs new homes. A significant shortfall has emerged over many years and the collapse in construction simply piles on further pressure. Increasing supply is central to dealing with some acute problems facing the housing system. […]

Do we need to reinvent the wheel on housing finance?

[Originally posted at the Guardian Housing Network, 18/12/11] If the government finally accepts that fiscal consolidation, even when coupled with quantitative easing, is not a policy that can deliver adequate economic growth, what might a credible plan B look like? A recent report for Shelter made the case […]