You don’t have to be one of those fancy poststructuralists or a dyed-in-the-wool discourse analyst to find the narratives around Brexit fascinating. But it probably helps. Much discursive work was done in advance of the Referendum vote to obscure the issues – to promise in vague terms that […]
Clegg needs to ask himself a difficult question: did he come into politics to be part of perhaps the most diplomatically-inept and Euro-hostile government in modern British history? John Campfner, The Independent, 10/12/11 The consequences of David Cameron’s refusal to agree to participate in the Merkozy plan early […]
When doing away with our yearly ritual of moving the clocks forward and back is condemned because a change would mean we’d be using “German” time I think we know we’re in trouble. When Conservative MPs like Julian Lewis feel able to go on record to criticise senior […]
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