The practicalities of participation and deliberation

[Originally published on The Policy Press blog, 08/10/10] History may come to define the current UK coalition Government as the government that ushered in the end of the welfare state as we know it. The government that forced through a fundamental reconfiguration of the relationship between the citizen […]

Broader shoulders

In his speech to the Tory party conference yesterday David Cameron used the argument that “it’s fair those with broader shoulders should bear a greater load” as justification for the removal of child benefit from higher earners. The appeal to “broader shoulders” is one of those statements that […]

Can the Big Society be anything more than BS?

[Originally posted on Liberal Democrat Voice, 28/09/10] When the Big Society entered mainstream political debate a few short months ago the concept was relatively vague. Many people no doubt grasped that it was something to do with what government was or wasn’t going to do. And what we […]

Wise words

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“No section of the people has ever been excluded from political power without suffering legislative injustice”
(Millicent Garrett Fawcett, 1847-1929)

“Poverty is a great enemy to human happiness; it certainly destroys liberty, and it makes some virtues impracticable, and others extremely difficult”
(Samuel Johnson, 1709-94)

“a person is not likely to be a good political economist who is nothing else”
(JS Mill, 1806-1873)