Tag: Blogging

My top ten blogs 2013

Welcome to my third annual list of my top ten blogs. I have continued to read all the blogs in my previous lists, although a couple of bloggers took a bit of a break this year. So I am discovering that the process of compiling a top ten […]

Economics after the crash

One of the topics I’ve revisited regularly on this blog over the last three years is the nature of economic knowledge and economic analysis. I have brought together nineteen of these blogposts as a collection of essays on the philosophy, ethics and methodology of economics. The essays touch on questions […]

On doing what academic bloggers do

A paper by Inger Mewburn and Pat Thomson entitled Why do academics blog? An analysis of audiences, purposes and challenges has just appeared online. The paper caught my attention, and not simply because it quotes at length from a post I wrote back at the beginning of the […]

The Q#3 quintet

Here are the five posts published on this blog between July and September 2013 that recorded the most hits: Bedroom tax … and beyond (6th Aug) Why is Owen Jones so annoying? (4th July) Free to schmooze (21st July) ‘Quackademics’ under fire as critical voices targeted (22nd Aug) Britain’s property problem (15th Aug) One thing that […]

Blogging and “writing”

A thought-provoking post entitled The dangers of academic blogging appeared yesterday at The Sociological Imagination. The post drew, in turn, on series of posts at Near Emmaus. Like many such posts the implied audience is postdocs and early career researchers. The key point made in the Near Emmaus […]

All sentences great and not so great

I have shovelled something like half a million words into cyberspace since I started blogging three years ago. Some of those words were arranged in ways that were pleasing, to me at least. Some of them were arranged in ways that might best be described as decidedly clunky. […]

Top blogging on housing policy

A bunch of statistics about the housing market have been published over the last few days. Housing issues have been hitting the headlines in the mainstream media harder than is usually the case.  A number of the key pressure groups have made the point forceful that current developments […]

The Q#2 quintet

Here are the five posts published on this blog between April and June 2013 that recorded the most hits: Curbing the welfare hate (6th April) Who is social housing for, and who should it be for? (10th April) Uncertain terrain: issues and challenges facing housing associations (11th May) […]

Keeping up with the Bristol Bloggerati

Bristol has a lively bunch of bloggers. Keeping up with what’s being posted can be a bit of a struggle. We now have a new resource in the form of www.bristolblogs.com. Bristol Blogs brings together more than 80 different feeds from bloggers in and around Bristol, blogging about […]

The Q#1 quintet

Here are the five posts published on this blog between January and March 2013 that recorded the most hits: Help to buy? (20th March) The politics of the bedroom tax (9th February) Clegg courts catastrophe (10th March) Research and the policy process (13th February) The boundaries of academic […]