The formation of a coalition between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats was probably the only viable outcome of the General Election in May 2010. A coalition between two unnatural bedfellows in the public interest looked like the only plausible way forward. Coalition was always going to be […]
An edited version of last weekend’s post on the boundaries of academic blogging has been published today on the LSE Impact of the Social Sciences blog. You can find it here.
We live in a world of impact and engagement. Academics are encouraged to embrace social media and communicate in new and different ways to broader audiences. More academics should be getting acquainted with WordPress or Blogger, Typepad, Posterous or Tumblr. The world needs to know what’s happening within […]
To coincide with the relaunch of Iain Dale’s Diary, one of the most successful UK political blogs of all time, Biteback have published a selection of Iain Dale’s posts from the period 2004 to 2012 under the title The Blogfather. The majority of the posts come from Iain […]
New for 2013: we’re now more multi-platform that ever before. This blog has had a Facebook page for more than a year. A small, perfectly formed and slowly increasing group of readers follow the blog, and occasionally comment, over there. For a while I’ve also been posting to […]
Here are the five posts published on this blog between October and December 2012 that recorded the most hits: The maths question in economics (24th October) Not so Marr-vellous (4th November) The reopening of the economic mind? (26th November) Policy challenges around welfare reform (13th November) Osbo’s poverty […]
This has been quite a good year for this blog. I could never claim my ramblings have mass appeal, but traffic in 2012 has been nearly double that in 2011. This year’s top post recorded twice the hits received by last year’s top post. Half of this year’s […]
It’s that time of year again. A year ago I offered, for the first time, a list of my top ten blogs. I’ve continued reading all those blogs regularly during 2012. So this year’s list has been harder to compile. Thinking about who to include isn’t a challenge. […]
The readership of this blog is increasing over time, but I’m very conscious that not everyone likes to consume their reading material online. And few people have the inclination to rummage in the blog archive to find related posts of interest. I have therefore put together a thematic […]
Today is the second anniversary of this blog opening for business. Happy Birthday – Blorthday? No, that sounds awful – to me. Another year of offering a largely indifferent world some more or less coherent thoughts on a range of loosely related topics. This landmark arrives at a […]
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