Here are the five posts published on this blog between July and September that recorded the most hits: Dispatching rogue landlords (4 July) Crunch time for the Liberal Democrats – The NHS Bill and electoral oblivion (5 September) Could the riots be the beginning of the end for […]
Voting is now open for this year’s Total Politics Blog Award. Voting is open until midnight on 19th August. You need to vote for at least five blogs for your vote to count. You can vote for up to 10 blogs.
Here are the five posts published on this blog between April and June that recorded the most hits: Taxpayers and ‘the right to the city’: alternative narratives on cuts to Housing Benefit (25 April) Groundbreaking economic finding during higher education policy development? (4 April) Up to the task? […]
Here are the five posts published on this blog between January and March that recorded the most hits: Monbiot’s tax take and the embedding of plutocracy: an urgent concern for Liberal Democrats (8 February) The mundane malfunctioning of markets – a tale of life and death (3 March) […]
Here’s the list of the top half dozen posts since I began this blog in October 2010, starting with the most frequently visited: The poverty of Nick Clegg’s “new” progressives Exit, voice, loyalty: what’s a Libdem to do? A fairer future or no future for social housing? The […]
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