Month: April 2012

Pesky Libdems

They’re not happy. The Tory Right are on manoeuvres. And the Lib Dems are in their sights. It seems that the grumbling and the finger-pointing are getting, well, a bit more pointed. In yesterday’s Express Paul O’Flynn’s column argues: “not only is the Lib Dem presence in the […]

Grasping the big picture on housing

Housing policy in England at the moment is a rapid succession of initiatives apparently designed primarily to catch the headlines. Some initiatives are sensible, if modest. Some might make some kind of short term sense but are clearly not a sustainable long term basis for policy. Others make […]

A last minute briefing on #bristolmayor

The debate over the desirability or otherwise of an Elected Mayor for Bristol is hotting up. Candidates for the role are now beginning to declare themselves, should the citizens of Bristol vote to move to the mayoral model. Events to discuss the issues are now occurring pretty much […]

Intergenerational justice – SLF Conference 2012

This year’s Social Liberal Forum Conference – on the theme of Social justice for today’s youth and future generations – is being held on 21st July at King’s College, London. Nick Clegg will be delivering the inaugural William Beveridge Memorial Lecture, while Ed Davey will be talking about […]

Planning, it’s always planning …

On Wednesday the Institute of Economic Affairs discussion paper Abundance of land, shortage of housing, by Kristian Niemietz, was launched on to an unsuspecting world. The timing of this launch is intriguing. We are still trying to come to grips with the final version of the National Planning […]

Running, away from home

We’ve been staying with the in-laws in South Wales over Easter. That means we’ve had the opportunity to run some different terrain. If you leave the front door and head north within 10 minutes you leave Bleanau Gwent, cross into Powys and find yourself on the southern edges […]

Policy, information and transparency

The Information Tribunal delivered its decision last week on the release of the risk registers associated with the Health & Social Care Bill. The Information Tribunal concluded that the Information Commissioner was correct in the initial decision that the release of the transitional risk register (TRR) – but […]

Trading Liberty For “Security”

[Originally posted at Dale&Co, 06/04/12] What is going on? I mean, seriously? Is it just me or do the wheels seem to be coming off this Government quite badly? If we look over the last couple of weeks we’ve seen a botched budget, including the failure to make […]

Here we go snooping again …

It doesn’t matter who you vote for, the government always gets in Liberal Democrats can be a fractious bunch. There are plenty of disagreements between the various wings of the party, particularly in relation to the wisdom of markets and the role of the state. But one area […]