Here are the five posts on this blog that recorded the most hits between October and December 2013:
- On signs you’re reading bad criticism of economics (4th Nov)
- Uncertain terrain: Issues and challenges facing housing associations (11th May)
- Would post-crash economics be a step backward? (21st Nov)
- The Bedroom Tax vote: sticking the knife into the Libdems (12th Nov)
- Why is Owen Jones so annoying? (4th July)
November was, by quite a large margin, the busiest month so far on the blog.
This has been an unusual quarter.
For the first time ever this list of the most popular posts includes a post – indeed two posts – published in previous quarters.
All five of the posts above make it into the top 10 most popular posts of the year.
If I’m optimistic it looks like a case of onward and upward …
Thanks for reading. And commenting. Even when you’re disagreeing with me.
Image: © iQoncept –
Categories: Most Read, Other gubbins
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