
Policy unpacked #7 – What will make the housing market work?

Policy Unpacked 5Yesterday I took part in a panel discussion on the housing market as part of the Festival of Economics 2014. The panel was chaired by Julia Unwin of JRF; it comprised Kate Barker, Michael Ball, Diane Coyle and me.

It was an enjoyable event, with plenty of questions and comments from an informed and concerned audience.

I had arrived with rather more to say than could sensibly fit into my allotted time. So I ended up speaking rather fast, as a number of audience members pointed out to me after the session. I’m usually not too bad at timing these sorts of things, but clearly I was all over the place yesterday.

Anyway, as a consequence of that miscalculation I decided I’d have another go! So this is a solo episode of my podcast in which I offer an elaboration on the presentation I gave yesterday. It provides an overview of the many of the drivers of the housing system, that have brought us to our current predicament, and some thoughts on what we need to do to address the housing crisis. (Running time: 46′ 05″)

If you fancy subscribing to my podcasts you can find me on iTunes and Soundcloud. In both cases, search for Policy Unpacked.

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